As I was listing my Chanels on eBay today, I had a curious moment and wondered what the current lowest and highest priced pair of shoes were. I've done this a few times before and the lowest priced shoes are usually understandably so, but the highest priced ones are usually some sort of exotic skin or crazy rare runway something or other. Below are the current low and high.

#%(*&^#$(*&@#$&^@!!!!! Please tell me you're feverishly rubbing your eyes like I was when I first saw these. Mind you, I first saw these as a small thumbnail and then my curiosity was met with a huge fuck you axe kick to the face with this enlarged photo. CAAAAANDY. It is apparently a brand called Gasoline Glamour. I don't even have anything clever to say about it.
Then there's always the curious case of the overpriced item. For instance, the "punk clog" (I kid you not, that's what the listing says) pictured below that is priced at a reasonable $1,990 USD. Notice how I had to specify USD...
I'm assuming these are actually $19.90 and were mistakenly listed - and hopefully part of that mistake was referring to them as "punk" as well. But then this makes me wonder if Candyland Gaga reject up there are also actually $70.00 and just missing the decimal point? If you are foolish enough to purchase those for $7,000 then you better make damn sure that candy is edible and makes you shit gold bullions for at least a good solid year. You can wear it with your $1,500 Balmain t-shirt, idiot.
here is some explanation? is that the right word?
completely bananas...
maybe it was a typo? punk clog -> pink clog?
if i had 7000 bucks
i would not spend it on that shoe
Your Chanel boots haunt my nights, sigh.
This post made me laugh so hard hahaha ridiculous.
Holeee shizz. They're even in my size. Moving on...
if i had $399 lying around, it'd be yours! x
If I had the money, I'd buy your Chanels in a second!
The punk clog & candy stripper shoes are WHAT THE FUCK WRONG (ESPECIALLLLLLLLLLLY the 'punk' clog... I actually stared at it for a while to try and figure out if there was a detail I was missing that made it hell punk, but couldn't find it!! haha)
Aweeeeeeesome post!! made my afternoon.
Oh sweet jesus. The candy boots. I am speechless.
haha candyland gaga reject, priceless... your boots are beautiful wrong size though =(
the candy shoes are awesome but ridiculous
You make me pee my pants.
those candies make me think of the goldfish tank bottomed platforms that i wanted as a child
good to know this kind of stuff is still out there!
And to think, these:
are in your size!
Nope, they really are 7,000.00. Here are some more shoes by Gasoline Glamour...Pretty over the top, meaning awesome.
Omg, I NEED to do my own DIY.
I always wonder what kind of people are behind such brands...hmm....
ahaaahahaha thanks for making me spit out my lunch at my screen.
ahaaahahaha thanks for making me spit out my lunch at my screen.
geez, sometimes I wonder if I'll ever make it in life but when I see stuff like those candy shoes and think about the people who have created them and I think I'm going to do just fine...
this is madness
all i can think is:
Candyland humped the big rock candy mountain...I'm sure of it.
And *vomit* @ "punk clog."
Sweet jesus, have you seen the rest of their stuff?
They have the candy heels online for 5000 bucks (what a steal, better snatch those babies up, haaaaHA) on their site. In all seriousness, some of their customizations are fun (I'd totally wear the giant polkadot feather platforms), but to charge anywhere NEAR that price is insane. They're pretty much bedazzled stripper heels. Literally. You can see the "Ellie" brand on the instep!!!! Wonder if anyone is buying them?
i may rock candy stripper shoes just to see peoples faces when i wore them.
HAHAH Amazing post. thank you very much.
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