Alexander McQueen ring at Saks

Ashish AW10 at Browns
Thank you to everyone who sent me links in regards to the Stella dress. They were beyond helpful! After some more research the one I liked the most was the dress below from Japanese brand Haricot Rouge, but still I can't figure out how to buy it. More links! More links!

And during my search of keywords "white", "blouse", "shirt", I stumbled on the below PushButton caped shirt at Asos. Me likey.

i'm sure rihanna snatched that jacket before beyonce.
LOL that model's face! Speaking of white dress shirts... do you know the brand Complex Geometries? They have awesome stuff too. I like all the shirts you posted though, I'm not that big of a help, am I?
Who has 10,000 dollars to buy a jacket??? Definitely mind-blowing. But that ring is so awesome. Perfect just cause I'm a history fanatic and I love vikings.
you can never ever go wrong with a crisp white shirt/dress! on my to-do list: stop by american rag to try on the quik dress.
so pretty!
yesterday i found a white, long-sleeve, low pocket shirt dress at JC Penney of all places, on super sale for $1.87! best deal ever, and close enough
The look on the last models face is hilarious!!
her face is cracking me up. i also never understood how balmain's $1400 tees were always sold out.
i was able to find a dress similar to the topmost one (shorter, with optional belt) at j. crew. it was a while back and i see nothing on their site now, but it may be a good option come sale time? oh, and madewell maybe.
I hate how refined and artificial the shearling looks on that balmain jacket.. it's like the life was sucked out of it. They totally jumped on the shearling trend bandwagon. Kind of pathetic.
Ashish's trompe l'oeil sequin tops are brilliant.
Just had an aneurysm over that sequin plaid shirt.
This post got increasingly ass-clenchy.
Ok, I was kidding. But those last two made me say "seriously?" out loud.
im going to assume there was only 1 balmain jacket for sale and a michael jackson impersenating drag queen got a big tip the day it went online
I've been trying to find the shirt with the ruffle drape on the sleeves on the asos luck... I must be looking in the wrong places
i fucking love you.
That ASOS model is going to fuck your shit up if you even think about touching her t-shirt, man. Where do you think she learned how to do such a perfectly-tousled sumo bun? That's right. In the dojo.
(Disclaimer: I have no idea if sumo wrestlers practice in a dojo.)
I love that McQueen Skull ring!!!! Come check out a pair of high waisted silk trousers from my own collection
You are beyond hilarious... lol @ the model's face and your huh??? at the sold out status
Man that model is fucked!! What the hell!? Or the photographer at least.
The first white shirt is hawwwwt and so is the sequin shit from Browns.
Ps. Yes I am getting into gifs HARD hahaha they just make everything hilarious! x
here's the pushbutton white drape-sleeve shirt, for whoever was asking:
Nice jacket..bad price
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love that ring!
cool blog
HAHAHAH you make me laugh!! I agree- Balmain, calm down.
as for the h&m maxi dress, GET IT ASAP. it's really cool for this overly hot weather.. sheer and breezy..
I will continue to hunt the long shirt!
great design. maybe you might wanna check out our long-tailed shirt dress too?
I need that Ashish plaid sequined shirt....AMAZE!
Hahaha..I'd buy that jacket IF i had the money!
that ring is amazing!! great post i think i like the American Rag shirt dress the best! Hope that helps..
HAHAHAHHAAHH this is absolutely blog of the day that made my day. definitely following!
you have the perspective of a hardcore literalist like me. cheers being angsty the same. ha.
That model reminds me of the post i did on creepy mannequins used by that Etsy seller. . . i couldn't even focuson the clothes!
I chanced upon this shirtdress by accident today! super affordable too :)
hahaha, the balmain fail made me really laugh! :)
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