Just got these leather tees from H&M that are probably the closest I'll ever get to the Celine leather shirts above...and I'm completely ok with that. It's super thin, soft leather on the front panel and sleeves and the back is a lightweight cotton poplin. It has sort of a cropped fit, which I hate, but I got it in the largest size so it's more boxy. I don't know if it's age or a rapidly developing hoarding tendency, but I find myself being greedy and buying things I like in multiple colors all at once. Or maybe I'm just picky and since it's hard for me to find things I love, when I do I have to make the most of it? I'm going to go with option #2, it sounds better.

Go run out to your nearest H&M and pick one up for yourself! Or two! Or three! - oh yeah there's a dark grey one too that I forgot to mention, but hey I'm mentioning it now. Or if you're a lazy ass like me here are the style numbers so you can call ahead and get a stock check before you waste gas driving out there. Gas is so expensive these days. I remember when it was 99¢ a gallon.....oh yeah, the style numbers...

Black 070297 2 0103 09 2
Camel 070297 2 0103 13 9


Unknown said...

Those are perfect, but I guess I'll just have to keep ebaying leather shirts (you find some really weird shit)until an H&M opens here.


wool and misc said...


Anonymous said...

Good one, I have to make a run to H&M soon, I'm obviously missing out...

Ripped Nylon

Kim said...

Oh good to hear they're decent, I remember seeing them in a lookbook and making a mental note to check them out... Or get someone else to check them out for me, seeing as we don't have h&m here.
Tempted to make my own with some beautiful washed skins that I have but lets be honest, cbf.

Sarah said...

ugh i wish they could open up an online line shop for australia! these are gorgeous and you are soo lucky to have H&M!


Stephanie said...

I saw those the other day!! I want the black one, but I ended up getting some leather leggings/pants instead. real leath-uh +stretch and $200 smackers. I'm pleased.

pictures and creatures said...


Kosmic Kate said...

We NEED an H&M in Singapore! ):

kaye i. said...

DUDE!!! OMG, saw them when I was in the store but thought the same thing - cropped and too tight (don't want my lovehandles showing). I ended up buying a wool-ish cardigan and angora sweater with horses on them. LOL. Maybe I'll give those Celine inspired tops another chance and try it on.

Tash said...

Incredible. I can't wait till H&M open their online store!


Natalie (NJ in L.A.) said...

I think I just barfed with excitement! Wow, those tops rule. Are there any morose black skirts to go along with that? Heading over...

noura. said...

shit! these are hot. i need my own.


OMG! ^^ this is just to perfect! I want it now!! Whaaa! How much did they cost?

Amy T said...

oooo have to go get one.
im so happy that a h&m has just opened 5 minutes away!

ray said...

dark grey?! YES!

Now only if they swing that navy sleeveless jacket too...

awesome share gurl!

Annabel said...


koko // res pulchrae said...

Nice. I have a shirt exactly like that which I bought on ebay, but it's way too cropped and there's no room to let the hem out. I also would love to make my own, but don't think I have the equipment... or the time... or enough ambition...

Anna G said...

Shit those are something I thought H&M wouldn't have. Those shirts are so epic. I hope they still have them when I go to Chicago.

Clara Campelo said...

I LOVE IT <333333333333333333333333333333333333333


i like!
too bad no decent hm around.

Anonymous said...

i found this white vintage silky CHEMISE (the tag literally said that) at a local vint shop. when i took it home and tried it on it reminded me of those white dress shirts you had posted about a while ago! i will email you a link when i post it on my blog but i think it was an old fashioned sleep shirt originally :)

a few mos ago before i found your blog, i was having disconnection w the blogs i usually troll around in and then your blog was just instantly familiar to me! i didnt really think about why, but i love that you also are pickier about trends and dont jump on the bloggerette bandwagon (i used to atleast) immediately. when you revealed your age it instantly made sense (im a few years older).. it does come w age i think this shift in style and realizing hey, its really ok if i dont give a F*** haha

and yes i have to constantly stop myself from buying all colors if i find something works.. it could be general laziness or enjoying the idea of having a mini uniform...

btw i love your lighter hair!

Maria said...

Holy, these are actually super nice!

RAT PACK said...

Uggghhhh I saw those last time I was in H&M, but I just couldn't bring myself to shell out the cash. I had this half-baked notion that I could make one myself... since it hasn't happened yet, I might have to bite the bullet and buy one.

Luckily, I live a short 5-minute bike ride/10-minute walk from my local H&M, so the risk of not finding what I want is much less severe!

Amanda said...

i just went to h&m and tried those on.. they def won't work for every body type- they are kind of short so you can't have a long torso unless you plan on only tucking them in. i did get the leather tee dress though in the same style..so epic, thx for the heads up!

Anonymous said...

Love those! I will definitely keep a look out for them when I stop by H & M. Thanks for posting!


Skin & Wood Vintage,

Amanda said...

yeah dude, i guess all the stores merchandise different or they just didn't have it but in soho the tees are with the longer dress version too! the fit is nice and it's a v-neck. i will try to get a pic sometime soon!

Mink said...

I got to get me on of those.
Btw.. i love your new hair!
You are so f´ing cool!

kaitlin monroe said...

theres an H&M opening near me soon, the first in my city, it seriously cannot come soon enough.
i adore that camel coloring.


Hannah said...

mmmmmm. I need to get to the mall....

Taylor said...

I definitely need the black one. Maybe I need both....

Ross said...

I actually kinda like the H&M version of the black leather tee better than the Celine.

Rohini said...

They're gorgeous! i love the black one. Yay for cheaper, H&M versions of things that we otherwise wouldn't be able to afford even if we sold our house. :)
On a different note, how have they not been smacked with a lawsuit from Celine for this? :\
Fab blog! Xx

Anonymous said...

Can't seem to find this at any of my closest H&M's!! grrr >:[

However, I'll be in LA soon and will probably go hunting for it then. Which H&M did you find these at?

dotLIGHTdot said...

www.aynotdead.com has the tee at around $800 ARS, which are like $200 USD

dammit i wish i could afford that!


April said...

DAMN this shopping ban or else I would run to H&M RIGHT NOW...like literally RUN to buy those tops


mp + cp said...

great buy! wanting a leather everything at the moment -- t, leggings, etc -- not to wear all at once, of course ; )