I'm pretty sure I'm losing my fashion "edge" because my brain just can't wrap itself around this poncho/cape/bolero/coat/jacket thing I saw on eBay. In fact, it's making my brain want to punch itself. Like literally grow two arms and knock itself out. Twice.
I'm going to forgive this person though, because judging by the hands and neck she is old and possibly senile. Plus she's wearing slacks, which coupled with the fact that she (wisely) hid her face leads me to believe she is an otherwise respectable member of society. I imagine it was a Christmas gift from her son, below, the fur trapper, who also likes to hook his girlfriend and stepdaughter up with warmer weather gear for their annual Cabo spring breaks. He takes his craft seriously.
His mother doesn't.

*EDIT: It has been brought to my attention that the woman in the photo is actually a man. Which can only mean one thing...IT'S THE FUR TRAPPER. He's posing as his "elderly mother" to garner a sympathy purchase for his crazy jacket! Sneaky sneaky. You almost got away with it.


Winnie said...

Oh my god. Can anything be more hideous??!! Haha great find! Obviously this wasn't quite what you were searching for on ebay right?@


oh god.


no seriously, im crying.
i had to read your post loud to my pr ppl.

koko // res pulchrae said...

hm. what on earth did you enter into the search box to come up with that winner? something to do with Halloween, perhaps?

fur bikinis = no need for a bikini wax?

btw, the captcha for this comment is "drunch" that ought to be a real word!

Fashion Serial Killer said...

oh man... oh MAN!!!!!

Unknown said...

You crack my S*** up! I always look forward to your posts.

☮ Lisa Ann

Anonymous said...

Hideous. I saw a website recently (some blogger recommended it) that actually sold FOX HEADS as well as those awful tail things. Disgusting.

Unknown said...

i actually think that the suspected woman in the photo is a man


Jazzi M said...

lol I love you. Can we have a new guessing game called "what was Jayne's search term that led her to THAT!?"

Cruz said...

LOL It could be a butch lesbian fur trapper u never know! There could be front lumps hidden beneath the fox tails!

cosmic visions said...


Rackk and Ruin said...

dude. shit is freaking me out. thanks for giving me nightmare material for a week. argh

k said...

horrible. The fur is incredible... on the fox, not skinned and dead.
How about a poncho made of rat tails?

Unknown said...

crackin me up. always.


Sally said...

i'm going to have nightmares.

Brechje said...

laughing out loud about that coat

beewaits said...

Well those fur bikinis need to go die in the burny fire. Also a fox tail poncho...a fox tail cape? REALLY. I don't even what to think what that is other than a whole world of no. GADS


Carolyn said...

your ebay finds are insane! LOL and the one you tweeted about with the sweater that washed out with all that hair asdljdsdjfkl


i think he had overstock of foxtails and got reeeaally creative...or cold

sarah kitten said...


ray said...


Mink said...


btw.. this is your selfpunching brain.

Cami said...

Seriously, every time I come to your blog - I end up in hysterics. This post, Vietnam Farmers, stifled heels, thumbs up/thumbs down etc. Fucking good times ahoy at SIRN. X

Maria said...

uhmm, okay the coat is disturbing.....but the fur bikinis..........beyond.

Diane said...

Hahaha, this entire post was hilarious. Your commentary is fantastic.

Mcmaris said...

I was gonna say, the slacks made me lean towards a man...Hahaha your commentary is priceless. That fur thing is obnoxious!

Lisa said...

The commentary is just hilarious!


supercalifragilisticexpialidocious said...

i would murder that man .

Karafina said...

my boyfriend walked in the room behind me and was like "wtf are you reading?"


i hate it, haha!

Chomy said...

I can't!! i just CAN"T! it's not You, it is defintely Him. i can't even look at it straight on for 10 seconds without gagging....ugh

Bakcocó said...

i love animals!!

i like your blog xx charmediem

Lilli Izumi said...

Thank you x105834836098 for coming out to the FIA event tonight! I know I basically harassed you to attend so thank you thank you! haha

PS please don't think i'm total creeper status, with my copycat nails being the last thing/one of the only things i ever posted on my very sad attempt of a blog. :)