Spent a day at Huntington Library over the holiday weekend for our anniversary. Say hello to Pixel Man again! We're not the most sentimental couple, but it's nice to have quiet, private celebrations every once in a while. And don't blame him for the mullet, I won't let him cut his rat tail.

If you'd like to test the limits of your breast and buttock sweat glands, I suggest you wear a wool hat, leather shirt and wool shorts in 100 degree weather and walk around for five hours. You'll have them revved up in no time!


Sarah Dee said...

looks like you had fun! Great job on working those sweat glands ;)


InnyVinny said...

Beautiful place. You look hot. In both senses.


dotLIGHTdot said...

plus, black is way hotter than white or any other color, as it absorbs all the light/heat.
go for an all white ensemble when you'd like to give those glands a rest

Natalie (NJ in L.A.) said...

I love The Huntington, I've been going there since I was a young girl who lived down the street in Alhambra. Do you ever visit the Arboretum? That is an amazing spot as well.

Mink said...

Looks like a nice place to spend a day.
The outfit Raawks as usual.

A.n.E said...

hahaha I won't mind to have your leather shirt ;) you could send it my way heheh

Annabel said...

happy anniversary!

i thought long and hard about that leather shirt, but decided against it due to my overactive sweat glands. you rock it VERY well tho xx


love huntington library! lol eric had a rat tail forrrreeevvveerr...until some korean lady at kim sung young cut it off haha

ray said...

the juxtaposition of your boys gnarkill hair and the sweet little china makes for a pretty great photograph. that place looks rad as hell and with all those animals prints up i can't help but make a royal tennenbaums connection. noice.

ray said...

oh and i meant to share this fun site about polish to you - she doesnt design too much but damn all the colors!!

Isabel said...

This place looks so beautiful! Thanks for sharing these pics.

ray said...

seriously STOP IT RIGHT NOW!

i looked through a bunch of her pages and zest is thee only one i googled! that color is so so boss.

gurrrll..... if i snag a bottle, i'll snag two

hittin sally's on lunch fo sho

Michelle Park said...

you look wonderful! I'm so sorry about the minx bust! Where did you get it done???? I went to bliss spa and this shit is still rockin almost a week in now.