Ann Sofie Back skin shirt // Stolen Girlfriends Club jeans


Oracle Fox said...

That shirt = pure radness. x

tarantulatrash said...

The shirt is incredible! Sooo not in my price range though :(

Clara said...

Aah I'm loving that shirt right now too and all her other stuff that's coming out, 'cept the hulk tulle t-shirts, the ones they've ended up producing aren't as amazing as the runway versions?!

Those sgc jeans are cool too! Remind me of these ombre cheap mondays I tried on the other week that you might like...


Anonymous said...

I'd be down for the shirt if it wasn't polyester. NOT buying or wearing polyester has become my unwritten policy.

Anonymous said...

brilliant jeans

Anonymous said...

You know Garde-robe online shop gives u 20% off Back styles with code "backontrack". Thought you could use it!

Party Weirdo said...

That shirt is beautiful!!! i love anything sheer.

Obscura said...

yeah those jeans fucking rule!!

I tried to make a pair way back and failed...

Ended up buying a pair of chaps!


Natalie (NJ in L.A.) said...

Then you shall receive! Now who's going to give them to you?