You mean to tell me the FW04 Balenciaga jacket of my dreams was reissued this past winter and I totally missed it? (assuming in my fantasy world I would have been able to afford it)

#^$%(@*&#^@&$%*%@&^@$%)@*&# !!!!!!!


Natalie (NJ in L.A.) said...

I think I saw that same jacket in Hanna - ok, maybe not - but you should see it!

VANESSA said...

that jacket is absolutely ridiculous in all the good ways.

Andrew said...

poliopoliopolio has it!

Anonymous said...

its like a fur trapper from the future. dig it.

Hard Liquor, Soft Holes said...

it's true! i do have it!

amalie said...


MARI said...

siiiick! (in a good way)

Fashion Serial Killer said...

oh shit.... that's rad!

Rylee said...

Is Drooollling! Must try to do something like this - could do the Frankenstein on several different thrifted leather jackets...