I almost spit out my drink when I saw this! HAHAHAHA! This picture may have made my week, there are just so many levels of awesome....
All I really want in life is a dog (or three). I have a name for my imaginary future corgi: he/she will be "Waffles" and I will love them forever and ever.
I almost spit out my drink when I saw this! HAHAHAHA! This picture may have made my week, there are just so many levels of awesome....
All I really want in life is a dog (or three). I have a name for my imaginary future corgi: he/she will be "Waffles" and I will love them forever and ever.
Samsung is holding a contest for bloggers to travel to London to cover the Olympics. You've already go to the THEYSKENS pre-season show--you know how to tell stories. It's not about whether or not you are into sports: we just want a good storyteller, and your blog speaks for itself. You could win an all-expenses-paid trip to London to cover the Olympics, plus $5,000 usd. If you're interested, here's the brief: http://www.zooppa.com/contests/samsung-global-blogger-on-zooppa/brief Contest closes next Tuesday May 2.
Email me if I can answer any questions you might have! Also, any additional pictures of your dog in high heels are more than welcome :D
Thats hilarious!!
OMGoodness! These are for real?!?
A M A Z I N G ! ! !
Not that I have anyone to put these on, but where does one procure these mini armadillos, if you don't mind my asking?
omg wow!! i wana see more hehe
Pepper, you stylish bitch!
Gahhh that's too cute. One does wonder how well Pepper would have been able to walk, had you bought four! xx
If only I had a pair for my pup! SO ADORABLE.
Whaaaat?? hahahaaa Is that your cat? this is hilarious!! and yes, you should've gotten 4!!
This might be the most adorable thing I've ever seen. Someone needs to start up a fuckyeahpepper tumblr haha.
Genious!! haha
Genious!! haha
I have a dog wig I can bring over some time! Love this.
Oh my lord! This is brilliant haha!
Hahaha! This is brilliant! Newest follower :) x
I almost spit out my drink when I saw this! HAHAHAHA! This picture may have made my week, there are just so many levels of awesome....
All I really want in life is a dog (or three). I have a name for my imaginary future corgi: he/she will be "Waffles" and I will love them forever and ever.
I almost spit out my drink when I saw this! HAHAHAHA! This picture may have made my week, there are just so many levels of awesome....
All I really want in life is a dog (or three). I have a name for my imaginary future corgi: he/she will be "Waffles" and I will love them forever and ever.
this is so funny!
Four might actually be abuse though! If it's really teetery...
no way! way? no!
Samsung is holding a contest for bloggers to travel to London to cover the Olympics. You've already go to the THEYSKENS pre-season show--you know how to tell stories. It's not about whether or not you are into sports: we just want a good storyteller, and your blog speaks for itself. You could win an all-expenses-paid trip to London to cover the Olympics, plus $5,000 usd. If you're interested, here's the brief:
Contest closes next Tuesday May 2.
Email me if I can answer any questions you might have! Also, any additional pictures of your dog in high heels are more than welcome :D
This deserves to be accompanied by a video.
ahahhahah... too freaking adorably funny!!
lol, totes hilar!!!!!!! this is so great!!! love ur humor!!
CAN I TOUCH? http://musicaleechallenged.wordpress.com/2012/05/03/on-regret-forgiveness/
These are amazing.
this is beyond genius. well done. *applaud with vigor*
HAHA where did you find it ? Could he walk with ? It might be uncomfortable.
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