ph by Brook&Lyn

I work a full-time 40+ hour a week job. I know I know, broken record, get on with it, but I have a point so bear with me. Blogging itself is practically a full-time job as well, so combined with afore-mentioned, most days I feel like I'm working around the clock. Is it rewarding? Sure, I wouldn't do it if it wasn't. But a lot of times I wonder if I'm half-assing both? Well truth be told, not really my job job, cause that's how mama pays the bills so I can't really scrimp on that. So I guess really just the blog.

I miss having time to sit and scour the internet for interesting (to me) things to post about. You really need time to churn out original content somewhat regularly. So the majority of the blog now has become a receptacle of outfit posts, just to maintain. And I hate that. So in an effort to turn this ship around I've been brainstorming ways to create original content without resorting to camping out on the internet (and subsequently getting fired from my job) and while trying to fulfill the creative bug in ways beyond my own personal outfits.

Full disclosure: bloggers get gifted, yes. Bloggers get offered loaners, yes. I'm pretty particular about what I actually accept though. I decline things regularly - a PR person's worst nightmare. But I regard it as a conscious effort (read: mission) to not be wasteful and also to keep the content here as true to my voice and authentic as possible.

Pause for anonymous hate commenting.

Ok where were we? Yes loaners. I personally am not a fan of outfit photos incorporating loaned looks. I find that it creates this jumbled blur of what's fantasy what's reality? I mean hopefully we're all adult enough to discern that for ourselves, but maybe if you're like me you just want to compartmentalize. I've always shared what I really own and how I really wear those things. Fine yes, somewhat aspirational at times (CĂ©line? guilty as charged), but mostly just me in all my M-F street urchin (proof on Instagram) glory. But then where is my fantasy compartment? How do I work with the brands I love and style beautiful beautiful things, while removing real life regular Jayne from the equation?

And now finally we have arrived at the long-winded point - I'd like to think of this new segment as "editorials" (quotations to highlight my bashfulness) if you will. A way to collaborate with my favorite brands and photographers to create my own personal take on styling looks outside of what I would normally wear. Just an escape really. Hopefully you'll enjoy the first one as much as I enjoyed making it. And hopefully we're all just here to have fun. Coming soon to a computer screen near you...


Taylor said...

So excited to see where it's going to go! Your content never fails to amaze me.

Andrew said...

love this, love you!

can't wait to see what you'll do :)

(this wasn't meant to rhyme but what the hell, I'm leaving it)

Unknown said...

OH MY GOD & all the saints up there! Jayne, reading this post has been like reading my own words.

You know, I also have a full time job as fashion designer (that takes me more hours than it should) and blog at the same time. Is so F***ing hard. I've been giving it so many thoughts on how to do it better with the blog and more inspiring and original and sometimes just find myself thinking I might be loosing my creativity. But not really, I think I just don't have the time I would like to have and with more responsibility at work less space in the brain to think about something else.

I think I'm on the same stage as you now - trying to give it a twist! Trying to find the time...

I really look up to you, I think you really did it both at work and blog and in a cool relaxing way that I just loooooove. I love that you are straight forward and honest. And I really do think that we have a lot in common.

Maybe we meet each other one day soon :) but for now let's just keep on killing the brain with more creative thoughts.


Anonymous said...

So excited for anything that includes your styling skills! can't wait

Anonymous said...

Jayne. you're a hugh inspiration to me. i look forward - looking at your latest invention(s) and take on things that matters to you. good luck (forward)! /Louise from Copenhagen, DK

Jaeger said...

I completely understand you! It is so hard to work, study and blog! I am always trying to find the balance...


sidmac said...
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sidmac said...
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TheMinx said...

I'm super excited to see what's coming! that teaser photo is so awesome, love the tims :)

Anonymous said...

I think "editorials" is a great direction, and I know you'll keep it original and creative. Thanks for always being real... - Aliya


I can't wait to see!

brittney said...

you go girl,
very well said. i appreciate this.

sidmac said...

oops deleted my comment!!

Christina Catherine said...

This is cool. I've been thinking about doing something similar... editorials, shoots, and outfit posts are all different things, but how do you differentiate them to your audience? Most girls would play this kind of thing up instead of down, ie, "got a new styling gig lol #iheartfashion"

wendyb said...

i follow your blog for a long time don't have to defend yourself, you can do what you want to do, it has always been a very honest and beautiful return of the things you like. Sorry for my bad english...i don't write much in english. keep on going the good work! x

amber said...

sounds awesome! I've been reading your blog for a long time too - psyched to see you in magazines, and love your style!

Cassandra said...

i think out of all the blogs i read, yours has definitely become my favourite. and i can't say i agree with you when it comes to you "half-assing" it. but hey, i totally get what you mean (as a blogger who is just starting out myself and is guilty of lacking time and motivation to post what i consider original content). anyway. from the perspective of a reader of your blog, i personally love your outfit posts. they're inspiring. some of the other blogs i read leave me feeling frustrated about my style and i'm constantly left worrying that i should refine my personal style more - should i be dressing more "blogger" appropriate in an attempt to draw in more of an audience? i'm also left wondering some of the time if they would actually dress that way had they not been gifted or loaned sometimes an entire outfit.
and that, is something i hate. your posts have the complete opposite effect - they remind me that my style is unique and that how i choose to wear the pieces i do to create and outfit is completely my own. you're also open about the fact that it's okay to feel nostalgic and to let that nostalgia influence your style.

in saying that though, the editorial is amazing and i look forward to more of them. especially as we get to see another side to your creativity.

cassandra x

MK said...

'Editorials' sound like a step in a terrific direction. Looking forward to seeing what comes next for you!

Anonymous said...


I think this is a good time to share something with you. You are one of my top 4 "style" bloggers. You embody what I love about fashion, a unique perspective and an unabashed resolve to be who you are. I eagerly check your blog for new posts of what you are wearing because I know that what I am seeing is pure Jayne.

So darling, the original content we want is quite frankly you.

Be you always, the content that no-one else on the web can provide.

Diana de Belen said...

I love the skirt! :)

xx Diana

DREAMY said...

Well, I think you're just brilliant.