wait what?

ok so i know jen already posted about ann sofie back's aw 09 collection. butttttt...........excuse me?

um FOR REAL? seriously?! those glasses?! WHAAAAAAT?! i can say with the utmost confidence to all other sunglasses : fuck you dude. fuck you. you lose. these win. go home.

sheefun chan for ann-sofie back

i hope those go into production. i hope i can get my hands on a pair. please please pleeeeeease.


Lily said...

Those glasses are surreal and seriously fabulous.

gennie said...

uggggh those are sooooo cool.

luxirare and i should both go over to Redondo beach to eat crab with you pronto. and then you can come hear and have crab pizza yes? hehe.

noirohio vintage said...

HOW GOOD ARE THEY?!?!?! I want them soo badly too

Anonymous said...

gorgeous photos!


Style Scientist said...

Love them especially the red ones...drool...:p

jules said...

those take the cake.

Cruz said...

Give me the ones on the right please. A guy at my school wore red sunglasses all the time and said everything "looked like hell" so I think I need some just for that.

Jane said...

Wow they are some crazy glasses! Love em!

Please click here to visit me at Vintage Tea!


Obscura said...



:) Nice find, buds!!


Anonymous said...

Very very sick.

Nadia said...

OH MY GOD good fucking find .. they are INSANE

A.n.E said...

mmm. ann sofie back makes me feel all warm inside- totally re-lights the childhood infatuation with 'lost boys' and vampires!