what the future holds

i've decided that i would like to look like carmen dell orifice in the future. far future of course. i'm on board with jen and would have to say daphne guinness is a badass and i wouldn't mind looking like her in my 40s. i'd be downright stoked! but in terms of the last stop in looks...carmen all the way. most grannies of my culture resort to what i dubbed "ping pong hair" at an early age, describing the short, tightly permed hair that is both effortless and ridiculously unstylish. i get that when you're 70 and have any number of physical ailments, managing a hairdo is not at the top of your priority list, but if i had a choice....if it were an option, carmen would be my look of choice. nevermind that i'm not white, 6 ft tall or have blue eyes.

and i would like this wardrobe from Chanel Resort 2010. i can wear it now, put it away til i'm in my 70s, and be the cool old chick rocking vintage chanel.

1. love the overall look but i'm not generally that feminine so i'd probably switch up the shoes.

2. completely anti me, but hey, one of these days i might want to look like a gondola driver.

3. classic but with a twist. mini skirt and fringe flat sandals.

4. gold and black. one of my favorite combos.

5. love the pink tights. they make the outfit nice and sassy.

6. the classic chanel suit, with a twist. hopefully i'll have enough sense to button it up at 70.


Hanh, Life-in-Travel said...

They are all fabulous. I want #1 and #3 please.

Cruz said...

The crazy chic granny is definitely one of my muses, so I enjoyed that Chanel collection.

Obscura said...


I totally want to fast forward and BE her!

She is so gorgeous and cool...beautiful face...very graceful!


Anonymous said...

i'd totally hit on you as a GILF =P

Allie said...

Love the pink tights, a great twist on the classic styling. The first look is my favorite. I can just picture all the amazing outfits that could be made with it!

Isabel said...

What a freaking gorgeous old woman. A rather unfortunate last name, but who gives a shit when you're such a GILF.

Fashion Serial Killer said...

I hope I can look that good when I am older. I want to have super long gray hair that I wear in a bun or braids (hopefully i'll wash it more than most old people do so I'm not one of those stinky granny's)

ps. love the Chanel you posted about!

ryder said...
