they're like felt tip markers. be forewarned that the colors are dark(ish) so if you're going for a completely natural look you'll have to do what i do. i apply really lightly and wipe it as i go so all the pigment doesn't absorb in. it's on the drying side so you'll definitely need chapstick, or gloss if your preference is having your hair stuck to your lips all day. this shit doesn't smudge, smear, or come off when you eat. SOLD!
* * * * *
one more thing. i'm going to be giving away a brand new never worn Rodarte x Target leopard dress in size 10 to commemorate reaching 200 followers! if you follow this blog (either Google or Bloglovin), please leave a comment for this post (and this post ONLY) by the end of Friday 4/30, telling me why you decided to follow (mysterious and vague, i know, ooh the possibilities!) and be sure to link to your email or leave your email in the comment as well. to be eligibl5 comments will be chosen at random and from those i will choose the one i fancy the most.

afterall, choosing one random winner would be no fun. i like to reward people based on their effort. unfair you say? life's not fair. welcome to my blog. thanks for everyone's continued support!
LOVE your blog! As you can see i am on top of the blogging on my friday night so that in itself needs to be rewarded lets be honest!!! i found this blog through bloglovin and thought you had an awesome blog so started following you and i have not been disapointed i am a HUGE fan of lipstick you must venture more into it some are not to bad!! i am intrigued by this and will totally try it. Keep up the awesomeness
'cause you had "SHENNANIGANS" in your about me or description..
My blog:
I follow you because you love Dwight, you ave the most awesome leather jacket I've EVER seen, you love MCD, are all around awesome AND ave just convinced me to buy something from COVER GIRL.
cover girl. like really? I'm heading to the store to buy something in "flirty nude" - you are PERSUASIVE.
I love/follow you because of your kick ass sense of humor and style, duh. You seem like a girl I could kick back, drinking some beer and stuff our faces in fancy shoes. And I've been wondering how those lip stains were - sounds like my kinda thing.
Oh, and I'm not after the dress so please exclude me there (I have 2!) I just thought you should know ;)
I think I saw you through bleach black.. When I looked at your blog I knew that it was meant to be. You're just such a bad ass. You love motorcycles and skate boarding but you are still interested in cool clothes, the perfect balance.
I recently started to follow your blog and I check it on regular basis. I love your blog 'cause there is something I can relate to. (I'm a Korean.) And seriously, I dream about your leather jacket every night..
because i think your as whack as i am
self expression rules
so does fashion
Decided to follow as you made me laugh very quickly, you're honest, blunt,.. it's bloody great!
I follow you because of your awesome attitude and complete lack of pretension. I want to be you when I grow up. (Hope thats not too creepy). And because I use the thumbs-up sign all the time. If you like this reason you can find me at my blog,
following because, above all else, youre pretty damn funny. and in my book, that goes a looooooooooong way!
I have the same problem with my lip line as well. I envy people with more defined lip lines. :/ I wonder if people will think I'm drawing on my lips with a magic marker if I use this stain in public?
I started following you over bloglovin because I really like the images you share and you have a sense of insanity in the way you dress. I like that. It's different. The post that really sucked me in was the one with the crazy heels. (The one with the trigger heels and the light bulb one too.)
Dear Jayne,
I follow your blog because not only are you extremely beautiful, but you're also incredibly intelligent and down to earth. That's a rare combo to come by. I love your point of view and your sense of humor. Your blog is one of my absolute favorites.
On a sidebar, I would reeeeeeally love to be chosen because, as you may or may not have read, that my mother has recently came down with a horrific case of the shingles. They are like adult chicken pox and extremely painful and affect your nerves. She's been in so much pain and discomfort.
When I went to visit her the other day, through her cloud of pain, she pointed to a photo of the Rodarte dress above in a magazine and asked me if I could get this dress for her.
It nearly killed me to tell her that they're no longer available, because she's so selfless and never asks for anything. Anyway, sorry for the long tangent, but I would really love to give my mother this dress to bring her a little bit of joy to her life right now (her size, too!!)
Love always and forever,
I guess I need to use lipgloss now too cause I obught those outlast and they are freakin dry like you said.....
I have followed your blog since forever I guess....I love your style ..I thought I was the only person would wear that leopard jacket from forever21 but then I saw you got the same jacket....:)....
i hate wearing makeup too, and don't wear a ton of it, but feel kinda naked/unfinished without it. i follow you with the blogger feature and i follow you because the blog simply kicks ass. you have such standout taste and a really cute, sardonic sense of humor that is very relatable. you seem to take a lot of care in how you spend your money, the quality/trendiness of an item, and choose your pieces very wisely, and it all flows together in a very appropriate fashion that keeps me reading. it's seriously one of my favorite blogs. ... i need to email you tomorrow, my gmail was acting up for the past few days but i got it working again. xo
because you can turn terror into beauty re: your icelandic volcano (i copy and paste the spelling of that sometimes) photos. and i love the way you wear your ann sofie back sunnies. fiierrcez.
would it also hurt to mention that i really want that dress?
take care now xx
Hey Hey...Started following your blog since last week, because Lulu (and your mom) tweeted about it. I admire your style also have a weakness for piling on gold chains a la Mr.T!
I dont share your enthusiasm for the CoverGirl Lip Stain though, i find the color to be quite sheer and almost non-existence...perhaps the Walgreens I got them from had them there for a while too long...who knows?!
I do love that fuzzy Topshop jacket, dude. The leather is really nice also. The only bad thing about it is it sheds everywhere, but that has lessened the more I wear it. xo
DERN IT! Here's my email:
three words: chanel nail art. AMAZING!
and ditto what everyone else said. duh.
three words: chanel nail art. AMAZING!
and ditto what everyone else said. duh.
I started following after seein how awesome, your photos are. I was given attention to your blog by the super gorgeous nails you did a few weeks ago. Also I have the lipstain in mauve. It's quite lovely but like markers, they will dry up if not tightly seal.
i follow this blog because i believe in good-lookin, informative, inspiring, and funny streams of asian invasion.
i believe in LA. living in the Bay now, but i miss the constant flow of awesomeness that people seem to disdain up here. i guess there just isn't enough of sabor mexicano, or sun, or whatever LA's got that your entries force me to reminisce about. i think i know what it is, actually--
NO korean mo-gyuk-tahngs anywhere in the EastBay. wtffff
last but not least, i live vicariously through people with long hair--i like my bowl cut mullet too much
so thanks, for not being a fussy writer. and thanks for not making this blog all about you. that makes me like you more.
i follow you on bloglovin', i found you via fashion is poison, lucrecia was lusting over your shoe collection and now so do i *sigh*
cuz you don't sift through what you say or post. you just say it.
and yes, im leaving a comment cuz i want the dress!
Dear Ms. Jayne
What an easy question. I follow your blog because I believe in good fashion inspiration, hilarious commentary in life (that I completely agree on), inspirationally chic outfits, and asian beauties.
It is your no-shit attitude that the blogging world needs.
Best regards,
P.S. I love you, but I have to disagree with you on the covergirl lipstain. I'm someone who sleeps with makeup on, so I'm no expert, but I bought it, tried it, and the results were not spectacular. I do agree that the shit doesn't smudge (which is a huge problem when you want it off), but it also dries up quick. Maybe it's just me, cause my friend who suggested it to me loved the stuff. Me and my effed up lips. Anyhoo, love the dress! There's no such thing as too much leopard. (I'm sorry if I was an opiniated bitchy rambler. I meant every word about you though.)
i follow you because you don't pick a random winner and actually read our comments! You've got a character and I like it.
I want the dress as I don't have access to Target and its collections, which really sucks >:[
Ok first off: lipstains - I've found that if you like a certain shade of lipstick apply that ontop of your chapsticked lips, but lightly and then blend. It's messy, but eh whatever I'm a dirty girl.
I forget how I cam across your blog. I go through phases where one day I'll just dedicate to looking at blogs. I mean like seriously sitting there all day and jumping from blog to blog to blog. I start to forget how I end up here and or there. I know for a fact though that I'm following your blog, cause I like the way you write. It's your no shit, don't give a F attitude and I dig it. Added bonuses that your images are awesome.
Um so I guess ultimately I'm a stalker. Total creeper.
hot asian. long hair. tough bikes. lavlavlav.
because we have the same birthday. duh.
well i'm on the internet a lot, i've seen my fair share of "blogs" as today's youth is wont to say. your blog is one of the only fashion blogs that doesn't want to make me die 5 times. the content is artistic and varied, and i'm really into your clothing choices; i lived in japan for a year last year so your unique style is what initially attracted me. it's "bloggers" like yourself that restore my faith in internet creativity. i'm fucking tired of reading the same boring shit over and over again, thank you thank you for keeping it real.
I think I got here via luluandyourmom and have been hooked since. I feel that your blog is fresh and inspiring, I.e I see different pictures on your blog compared to others. It's like a new perspective altogether. Plus your awesome nails and outfits.... You kinda own almost eveything that I want in my closet right now.. Most of all I ADORE your hair!!! You reconfirm my NEED for long hair by looking the best in
such a length, and hell I would want to apply gloss and have hair stuck to my lips all day.
Well I follow your blog because the first post I ever read said that you saw something so amazing that it felt like you had been drop kicked in the diaphragm...and I laughed out loud so hard I think I peed my pants a little. Your blog gives me the giggles (which is essential to me for any online reading) and I am constantly inspired by your original ideas (Chanel nail art was GENIUS).
Also, I like that even though you are a 'tomboy' you still appreciate fashion (and it doesn't hurt that I think you love Alexander Wang as much as I do-ps your creepers are heavenly).
Thanks for the good times.
because fuck I love a girl with a foul mouth!
ps my word verification is 'hooked'! How cool is that!?!
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