Aweeeeeeeeeeeesome! My boyfriend and I could not stop laughing and cheering with that video. Did you notice the loop on top of the cannon, like they're suggesting we wear it as a necklace? I'm so down.
Bahahah that video is redic! Love it!
i have the no ma'am shirt from an old boyfriend. it's f'n priceless :]i would love to just have that ghoul font monday thrown up on a shirt too. so lame today ugh
thank you so much! i was wondering HARD what that lil guy was - i had found the pic but no linkage or name. he is beyond :] and MAYBE we can tradsies ;]
GO 'HEAD AL!!! cannon...I was just sitting here with dudeguy and we're trying to figure out a way to get one. This is serious.
this is so great
I might just add the mini canon on my Christmas wishlist.
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Aweeeeeeeeeeeesome! My boyfriend and I could not stop laughing and cheering with that video. Did you notice the loop on top of the cannon, like they're suggesting we wear it as a necklace? I'm so down.
Bahahah that video is redic! Love it!
i have the no ma'am shirt from an old boyfriend. it's f'n priceless :]
i would love to just have that ghoul font monday thrown up on a shirt too. so lame today ugh
thank you so much! i was wondering HARD what that lil guy was - i had found the pic but no linkage or name. he is beyond :]
and MAYBE we can tradsies ;]
GO 'HEAD AL!!! cannon...I was just sitting here with dudeguy and we're trying to figure out a way to get one. This is serious.
this is so great
I might just add the mini canon on my Christmas wishlist.
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