Sorry for the slow down in updates. I made a (temporary) move to be closer to work since my commute was sucking all the life and motivation out of me. It blows when you only have 3 personal hours a day to get everything done - including eating dinner and showering before sleep - so more like 1.5 hours for internet/movies/bf/friends/errands/bills/laundry/etc/etc...

I will miss you lake.

Randomly saw my old Bumble & Bumble campaign in a salon window in Berkeley.

Yard sales.

I'm beyond paranoid of talking on my cell while driving but I will, without hesitation, risk my life to get pictures like these...
Almost got into an accident for this one.

Don't need a cookie to tell me I'm fortune-less.

Coworkers' birthday breakfast potlucks end up like this when you leave it to the boys.

And like this when you leave it to HR.

Nevada desert.

Oh hi.


Saying goodbye to these sunsets. For now.

iPhone photos


Melissa said...

i just realized that was YOU in the Bumble and bumble campaign! I work at the Bumble headquarters in NYC. amazing. anyways, i love your blog.

kaye i. said...

LOL "extreme class"! LOL those potluck food (Salsitas♥!!!) LOL Tit S. wthell. Asian store signs are awesome! I used to have those stupid stationery set that has weird "English" quotes and the most effed up cartoon characters! Your posts always make me laugh.

robyn said...

waitwaitwait.... is that a UV Visor?! if it is, you have officially made my week. that is the most awesome thing EVER. i've been tempted to get one and wear it all the way down while driving around Newport Beach or something.

love the pictures of the signs too.

Natalie (NJ in L.A.) said...

So where did you move to?

InnyVinny said...

Does this mean I won't randomly see you in Target parking lots to tell you that I just finished buying cat food and soap? Because if this does mean that, it sucks.

Cruz said...

Love the desert pic! LOL The garment district has the best names for stores. I snapped a pic of a place called "Forever 26" LOL

WPZ - Sandy said...

Ngyah, I was all, boy's breakfast looks good to me, hello McD Hash Browns (I could eat... 2... 3... 4...?), crisps, maple bar, how can you go wrong? But then again, free pancakes and sausage, AT WORK, so which is better really? LOL at the aging and hello gorgeous skies!