The last of the Fashion Week posts. I usually look at the New York, London, Milan, and Paris schedules beforehand and list what shows I'm going to look up, instead of wasting my time looking through a million photos of brands I don't even like. This means that all the ones on the list are my favorites and the ones I look most forward to seeing, this time around being around 40 shows. You'll notice that I'm not posting about 40 shows and that's because I was waaay underwhelmed this season. Ooooh don't I sound like quite the authority? I had about 15 left from the list to write about after the last fashion week post, and I am only doing two here. You can see why...
WTF RTW. There were 87 looks. EIGHTY SEVEN. That's my first WTF of this show. Here are my others:
-Crystal Renn - please stop repping plus size girls. Unless you're wearing the world's most maximum strength Spanx ever, you are not plus size anymore. Good for you though, you're average now, in fact maybe thinner than average, but please stop trying to be the voice for big girls all over, because you're no longer one of them.

-Below nonsense - I normally get weak-in-the-knees when I see a masculine guy with a baby, but this is not one of those times. This is not ok. Not even in Canada.
-Erin Wasson - this girl doesn't give two shits that this isn't the Rock & Republic show. Whoever the runway director was, he/she had no control over Ms.Wasson's pose game.
-Karl - 87 looks dude. Two of which were Baptiste - which was one two too many. And I wasn't even impressed by your use of Stella, Kristen, Angela, or Ines. Do you see that woman, Karl?
YES!!!! My favorite collection with the most brilliant, wearable looks. I could forego every single piece from every single show this season, for just these three looks alone. I would trade 95% of my entire closet for these and could commit to wearing only these everyday for the next year. That's how perfect they are.

Celine is aces. ALL F'ING ACES.
I'm at the point where I think Karl just does shit because he can. No rhyme, no reason. Just because he can.
Erin W needs to be put out to pasture.
I'm a terrible Canadian, I hate denim.
gaa, thank you for being like, seriously? with the chanel business. i love karl, but when i was going through the looks, i was like, NO and i was rolling my eyeballs all the way back to white with the model dude and his kid. and phoebe. dont even get me started with her awesomeness.
chanel - so divine!!!
you always have the best fashion week commentary and photoshopped pictures!
I wish I'm Karl Lagerfeld when I grow up and can just do whatever I like because No.5 sells so good and everyone over 50 wants the classic jackets....
Not gonna lie.
Yeeeesh Crystal Renn.
People are always blowing things out of proportion. First it was "skinny is good" then there was "skinny is bad" now it's "plus size is good" and now Crystal's like "look at me i'm not skinny" and you're like "but you ARE skinny"...
Just found your blog, you are pretty hilarious. And the last Celine look blows my mind... except for that manly chest. Wtf is up with that.
Jk Karl that shit's ugly forreal. He obviously sent the kid out with that look so people would give him a break...
i fucking love the way you write. THANKYOU
p.s the hands at the bottom?? perfection.
gah you're hilarious!
If you want to check out other international fashion weeks beyond the main 4 is a great site
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