Celine. Nano.

*side note: every time I go on a hunt for something I want, it's always an image of Caroline Brasch Nielsen with it that pops up.


kittenmasks said...

I heard Celine isn't selling the Nanos in the U.S. We always get gypped on the good stuff.

InnyVinny said...

He was my first result on the google:

InnyVinny said...

I like this picture better:

chuck n. said...

when did this happen? i wouldn't be surprised if this becomes the modern-day 2.55

Gnar Jen said...

210% with you on this motherfucking bag. it's gross how many photos i've saved of it. then my old man sees me staring at one and says "that looks like a robot face, can't you see it?" and now that's all i can see. Jetsons Rosie Maid Robot face.

Sister Wolf said...

YAY for Gnar Jen and her Old Man! It's like a shot of adrenaline!

Natalie (NJ in L.A.) said...

That bag makes me happy inside.

isis said...

is that Isis on that Celine bag?!?! soo excited

ray said...

man that lil guy is cayyyyuuutttee!

i call for a custom w/ citron canvas/snake/black suede!

yes! and tried the avocado fries... WOW!

Unknown said...

hmm very imazing..I like first one

amalie said...

dude, i just died. i NEED ONE

Anonymous said...

so good. I wonder what other colours it comes in?

A Better Roni said...

What I like most about your blog is that you probably actually will find this and buy it, and then in a few months will quietly post a pic of it, no big deal, and I'll be like "Oh, SNAP!"

WPZ - Sandy said...

That Caroline person -- she was wearing an outfit I loved so much I went searching all possible streetstyle blogs to find multiple angles of it... really the best stuff and styling!

That bag in mixed-materials, so so so love. Like, if I could just live in that bag, I'd be good.

Market Publique said...

This is the bag of my dreams! Saw it out of the corner of my eye a few months ago and went on a mad search for it - didn't even know it was called the 'Nano'.
Bergdorfs is 'sold out' but I managed to track it down at Neiman Marcus via Austin, TX when I was there for the #TxSCC. Call Carol at NM - she will find it for you! (tell her Pamela from NY recommended you do... ;) )
Im gonna wear the sh*t out of this bag!