feelin your pain... but tonight vintage wool plaid swing akirt and thigh high leather came out AND they were necessary! wishing you boot forecasts asap
Move to the Bay Area, It'c colder in Northern California than it is in South California? It's still California?
lolol you should see my closet AND I moved to CA from TX-- truly no excuse for the amount of awesome outerwear and badass boots
come to new england! i'll totally trade :) great coat xohttp://dressedupallligators.blogspot.com/
Exactly! In nyc you need to wear three coats at once!xxdaily.weaklyhttp://dailyweakly.blogspot.com/
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feelin your pain... but tonight vintage wool plaid swing akirt and thigh high leather came out AND they were necessary!
wishing you boot forecasts asap
Move to the Bay Area, It'c colder in Northern California than it is in South California? It's still California?
lolol you should see my closet AND I moved to CA from TX-- truly no excuse for the amount of awesome outerwear and badass boots
come to new england! i'll totally trade :) great coat xo
Exactly! In nyc you need to wear three coats at once!
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