I was approached a few months ago to be included in a book on fashion blogs. All it took was to hear that the forward was by none other than Susie Bubble and I was game. Plus being in the company of some of my favorite blogs, that's always a bonus and and honor...or let's just say bonor? I've been pretty busy post-fashion week with real life things, transitioning to a new job and figuring out my living imagine my surprise (read: shock) when I saw the cover this morning. Um wut.

My feelings at this moment are urging me to say something like thank you to all my readers, but that sounds too much like an acceptance speech for some grand award. Instead I will just say...corndog to you all.

The book is being released this month and you can preorder it here.


Andrew said...

Congrattttttts! You deserve it girl!

I will def be ordering this. Seems like an inspiring little book. I thrive off the success of my peers (lol if I can even call u that)

Cloudline Chic Flows said...

You are the world's top fashion blogger in my book for a long time. Having you published in a book and first cover too?
I mean INSTAHAPPINESS. Dude, huge congrats!!

(I so wanna add a digital heart but I'll control myself this time)

amalie said...

that's awesome!! congrats x

Nomadic D. said...

Damn that is exciting! Congratulations! Well deserved. And yes, I imagine it would be a total bonor.

the white ribbon said...

this is a huuuuge thing! congratulations! xx

amelia stine said...

I love corndogs.

Anonymous said...

Sounds so amazing! Congrats! I will definitely buy it, looks like an inspiring read. xx

Kate {Modette}

Unknown said...

It seems that congrats is not enough to cover how amazing this is, and I do know your "um what" feeling, it's totally unexpected but actually in a humble yet confused way. I love the way you put bonus and horror into bonor, can't think of a better way to describe it.... you deserve this babe, you're chic to the maxxx and you also deserve all the celine you want! :D I've just posted up a new outfit post of me wearing a rather provoking organza biker, tell what you think ;)

xx The Provoker

. said...

Holy crap that is awesome!
I want one

The Lovelorn

Amber said...

Congratulations! This bonor is well deserved.

(I will be incorporating that word into my everyday vocabulary in no time)

Marie said...


Suzanne said...

Wow. Congratulations!! You really do deserve to be on the cover. I think you're one of the most honest/humoristic/amazing blogger out there. You don't care, or at least it seems like it, and that's exactly what makes you the cover star. Congrats again :)

Ria said...

Ah-mazing and so well deserved! You rock girl. Hope you work out your real life situations without any hassles.

Rackk and Ruin said...

this is pretty darn cool Jayen. Have you ever been on a book cover before?! now you can tick it off your life list. xx

ps i think this new UK Vogue has you written all over it:

Hannah Kimmerle said...

Props. Personally, you're my fave so I'm not surprised. Nice work!

Sara said...

Jayne. I think you are absolutely amazing and inspiring! Can you do a post on how you got started in your career? I could absolutely use some more inspiration since I just graduated with my MA and the job hunt seems hopeless at the moment. Thanks for being you!

Unknown said...

You are intelligent, cool, great designer, and super chic! it was just a matter of time before you made it into a book cover. Congrats!
Gloria Quiroga

Eliska H said...

mmm i'm so looking forward to reading this!

i just read the interview with you in Vogue Paris, love love loved it! x


Anonymous said...

damnn, congrats!

Wedding dresses said...

This blog is just wonderful, every day. It has now moved to first place in my blog heart.

Unknown said...

I got the book and you rock! One of the best blogs out there by far <3

Anonymous said...

Tenkte som deg og bestilte med en gang. Vi er dessverre ikke så fornøyd. Både vi hjemme og personalet i barnehagen merker at storebror blir så utrolig klam i den. Og kald. Min første tanke var at det kanskje er bedre å være klam enn våt ? Men jeg vet ikke helt. Ingen av delene er jo særlig deilig egentlig!