i vowed to myself i would keep this blog about interests and not post personal shit but i'm mad so i need to vent....
let me preface this by saying i don't drink alcohol (ever) and the one and only ticket i have ever received was in the same month i got my driver's license when i was sixteen and we all know how long ago that was (ahem). i actually take a lot of pride in being an excellent driver (not to mention master parallel parker) so while a ticket is a regular occurrence or non-issue for some, it is a big deal to me.
so i pull out of a super brightly lit parking structure after having dinner for my friend's bridal shower. it's not that dark out yet so i don't realize my headlights aren't on and proceed to drive a whopping TWO blocks when i get pulled over. "license and registration ma'am..." blah blah blah...the initial officer wasn't so horrendous, but his fucking prick ass partner that didn't even look old enough to buy alcohol, somehow felt the need to be in a 'ready' stance with his hand on his gun the whole time???? i mean, it's glaringly obvious that i pose a great threat to the safety of these fine Los Angeles streets, what with being a tax-paying, upstanding citizen with a perfectly clean record and all. i'm immediately fighting the urge to mouth off so as to escape with just a warning, which is what i fully expect after hearing tale after tale of how everyone and their mother seems to get away with borderline DUIs and excessive speeding and such. then after nearly 15 minutes, Junior Supercop returns with a TICKET and can't be bothered to answer any of my questions. right, i get it, you have more crime to go fight...
i really appreciate that my tax dollars go towards training neophyte rude ass officers to ticket these types of situations to fill their daily quotas, while everyday in this city people get away with much more serious infractions.
tell me about some of your bullshit run-ins. reassure me that i'm not the only one that has been shafted.
oh and this post goes out to Officer Rodriguez. FUCK. YOU. YOU FUCKING FUCK.
I've been following your blog for a few weeks and I think it's great. At anyrate, my younger sister was also in that same situation a few weeks ago. She honestly drove 50 feet out of a parking lot, and was pulled over by two cop cars. She then left with a $145 ticket. It's bullshit and I'm sorry you had to go through it.
That's insane! I sympathize. I'm not old enough to drive but I feel you. Its like the cops in NYC that give people $50 tickets for taking up two seats on the subway . . . at 2 in the morning, WHEN THE CAR IS EMPTY. And this is why I don't want me sister to be a cop, because she'd be working alongside people like that.
ughhhh something like that happened to my sister too. vent as much as you need/want dude. we're here for ya.
FUCK THE POLICE. ESPECIALLY NYPD. they're a bunch of no nonsense IDIOTS. i could vent all day, but its easter.
....happy easter love!
Ooh my cousin got a ticket in the mail and a letter that let them go on some website, where there was basically a Youtube video of her violation. She didn't "stop" at a red before turning right. She tapped and went. It was kind of funny! But not as funny as the $500 ticket and traffic school she had to do...
Sing it sister!!! My friend and I once got pulled over (he was driving) and ticketed because he forgot to use his right hand turn signal when he turned into a parking lot. It was bullshit. It was a weeknight, the street was empty, he didn't switch lanes or cut any one off. And the cop wanted to see my license too!! Yeah, that didn't happen.
ugh, i hate the pigs//////
I was pulled over in college for "illegal use of horn" . . . the story: I was driving behind a police car when all of a sudden, with no signal or siren, the cop slammed on his breaks and did a u-turn right in front of me. Out of pure instinct i honked my horn to be like, "yo buddy, there is someone driving right behind you!" Anyway, after the cop did the U-turn and started heading in the opposite direction (you know, to hopefully fight crime the crime that had initially made him switch diections) he decided it was more important to do a second u-turn and come back to pull me over. BULLSHITTT. I had a feisty friend in my passenger seat who kept bothering the cop about why he had pulled us over and he finally admitted that "cops will sometimes do that if they feel their 'ego has been bruised'" WTF. Luckily i didn't get a ticket.
My mum got a speeding ticket because a lorry cut her up so she had to speed to get in the lane before the barriers hit her, a cop pulled her over and left the lorry driver to drive on. Absolute pigs!!!! Whoop whoop, i applaud you venting your anger on here.
p.s. love your blog.
thats literally so shitty. a similar thing happened to my bf, the fuzz are just dicks sometimes. don't let them get you down!
cops are the same. worldwide. mainly uneducated pricks that is.
Right because you look like a punk out to do no good sneaking around w/o headlights on.... >.>
but no really, that is super lame and wicked bad luck, sucks loads, i'm sorry that happened to you =/
Yeah that's shithouse.
When I was 18 I pulled out of my drive way and stopped to put my seat belt on, a cop was parked on my street and followed me to the next road where he pulled me over and fined me. I literally didn't have seat belt on for 7 seconds and I was on my own property. What a cunt.
Cops are cunts.
I think you should write a letter.
(but even that pisses me off because it's more of your time wasted on these fuckers... we just can't win)
In college I was quite a fan of being pulled over and given breathalyzers for doing a rolling stop at a stop sign. If I tell you I'm not drunk and I don't stink of liquor is there really a reason for me to get out of the car, walk a straight line (in heels), recite the alphabet starting from "P" and then STILL be given a breathalyzer? No you cunt, you're just overpaid and have too much time on your hands.
Or my personal favourite, the two cops that pulled my friends and I over as we were pulling into my friends house (to go swimming in his pool) and searched our cars and handbags and then later proceeded to ask us where we like to "hang out". "Do go out to Ned Devine's?" my response "No officer, that place is full of dbags". He answered quickly "Yeah, I don't like it either". You know boyfriend was two seconds away from asking me out on a date to that place.
Don't come to Virginia, you'll want to beat your head into a wall.
Most corrupt profession there is is definitely the mother fucking police force ... power tripping middle aged men who like to play God. one time, I was getting onto the expressway and there was a cop car sitting just past the entranceway with his obnoxious lights flashing. soooo little old me just figures there's an accident a little up ahead and to just go about my business and get on the expressway ... but nope. I get on and the motherfucking cops turn their sirens on (accompanied by the already lit lights) and chase me down and pull me over and the fatass in the passenger seat gives me the dirtiest look and says, "Didn't you see the lights?" the word "idiot" was oozing from the tone of his voice. I obviously didn't know what to say ... so then they tell me to back up and as they're doing so one of them calls me a ding dong ... A DING DONG. who in their right mind woul even think to say this? of course, there are tins of cars now piled up behind me and I almost hit the cop car even though HE told me to reverse right away ...
of course they probably thought they could get away with this because I'm young and a fairly new driver. little did they know that my father is the legal representation for the police force in our city. needless to say, the police chief was not pleased! muahaha sweet revenge.
haha this was very long but I do hope that it helps
i almost got hit by a cop in a giant suv running a stop sign really fast (at one of those stop signs that only people from one street stop on, 2 way stop? idk, not too familiar with correct traffic lingo) a block away from my house. if i had left 5 seconds earlier i would have been hit. if there was an emergency he should of had his sirens on to warn people he was gonna run a stop sign. thats BS! i have seen so many dangerous traffic violations by cops. it's not just you. i really think they just don't care and like to abuse their position.
i would be uber-pissed as well! my friends and family always joke me for driving like an old lady and being overly cautious, but like you, i've kind of made it a goal to never get a ticket. if i were you, i would appeal it at traffic court. fuck the system!
I got a ticket for PARK curfew. It was late in college and my friend and I got drive through Taco Bell and wanted to pull over and eat it. We were eating it in a park and a cop pulled up and gave us both tickets for $250.
The end.
Actually I also got a ticket for day curfew in high school for eating lunch off campus - had to go to court and take a juvenile delinquant class where prisoners shared their stories about why we should avoid jail.
Tots share your pain.
xx FujiFiles
You're probably not going to read this since it's on an old post, but I got pulled over and given a ticket going north on the 405 for TALKING ON MY PHONE. ON SPEAKERPHONE. He said he could see my blackberry held in front of me, and I had only taken it off bluetooth because I couldn't hear a fucking thing. They gave my boyfriend a $600 and a $300 ticket together a few months ago for coming out of the carpool lane over the yellow lines instead of the dotted white ones so just thank your lucky stars yours was only 100-something.
California just needs money.
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