All this reminds me of is this guy below.

"The coolest you'll look pooping your pants."
Why yes, when I'm pooping my pants, looking cool is my main concern.
Just stop it already.
(oh the best part: they're referred to as "Limited Edition")
*slaps palm to forehead*
hahah I love this commercial! My boyfriend says my new drop crotch jeans look like these denim diapers. he's probably right, but these babies are awesome, so I'll take it as a compliment.
Lmaooo! That is too funny...
I am so getting those for my 7 month old daughter. When you have a kid...you'll understand. It's AMAZING!!
I actually featured these on my blog.
Funny shit. No pun intended. Those ads make me laugh but I hear someone is making diapers with rhinestones.
kind of reminds me of the SNL skit about diaper thongs for babies...haha! outta control!
hahahah that photo is DISGUSTING but this commercial is my favorite. It's hilarious. "I poo in blue"
LLOVE THIS POST! so great!
HAHAHAH disgustttt.
reminds me of tobias "nevernude" funke from arrested development!
-Jane @ Brunch at the Beach
I think I just barfed, just like I did when I saw them at Target. Totally gnarly.
My mouth dropped when I saw this commercial! I was at the store a few days ago and moms were buying the heck out of them! Do they actually wear them out like that?! LOL!
ahahahahahhaha honestly this made my fucking day. amazing.
the last picture...MY EYES!!!! why, why, why?!!
AHAHAHAAH The bf and I saw a whole section of it at Walmart weeks ago. And yes, it does say limited edition!!! We can't stop laughing and asking each other "why?!?"
Hmm, if I think about it.......I'd totally be the mommy who buys these to her baby. LOL!
That guy is so funny, but nasty at the same time^^ These huggies are so sweet!
Hahaha!!! LOVE this, this made me go 'ewww' out loud when I scrolled down to the man in the tiny hotpants.
i also love this commercial and i think i somehow see this "denim" diapers here in HK.... really limited edition? or you mean the hot pants in the last photo? LOL!
This truly is ridiculous. BUT, it is funny that many jean shorts styles of the moment do look like diapers..
For some reason, this commercial always makes me uncomfortable every time I see it. Maybe it's because we're supposed to be checking out the baby...? Yikes.
i love this diaper! so cute..
hahaha. Could the shirtless jean diaper babies picture be inspired by Calvin Klein? Really? x
so a diaper replace clothing now? worn by itself? just curious.
i love these so much! just had a baby boy and i'm obsessed with him being able to wear these soon!
LIMITED EDITION? Now I wish I'd gotten some to sell on Ebay in some years, just imagine...
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