I promise at some point I will get caught up on blogging, but right now I'm just trying to get caught up on pooing. Another edition of TMI but this is a real life problem and we are real live people right? The fuzzy pink Yakult happy digestive tract makes me so happy...
maybe you should try one of those blue print cleanses (link)? maybe even just the 1-day one... in fact i would like you to be guinea pig cuz i've been curious myself...
Says the one who believes she isn't good at Photoshop. Pssssssssssssssh.
So coffee didn't work. This is going to be gross, and don't come after me if/when it works, but drinking olive oil should clean you right out...
yakult reminds me so much of my childhood days
haha, i know! that's why i want someone to try it first. i think i'll wait until after the holidays to do a cleanse... maybe i'll have some extra xmas money to spend, and it'll be just around the time everyone makes resolutioins.
in the meantime, have you tried that probiotic yogurt stuff?
My roommate poos like once a week if she's lucky, and she's recently started drinking Aloe juice and it's helping her. My thoughts go out to you. Not pooping is the worst.
I used to drink Yakult, like almost everyday. Now, I can't stand it anymore. Do you like yogurt? Try Activia.
Frozen Yakult's where it's at! My parents always kept packs of it in the freezer and I ate that shit all day.
Jayne, saw you speak at 'SC last night and I wanted to say hi and tell you that I lurve your blog but I'm awkward so I didn't. Works out though, you seem like you'd hate the attention!
I love that it took a post on pooping and Yakult to get me to de-lurk...
girrrrrrrrrrrl, i feel ya! hah
I've been constipated basically since high school. I started eating gluten free about a month ago & have been able to go at least once a day everyday. I also started drinking 2 large glasses of ice water every morning when I awake as well as a shit ton through the day. I don't know if I actually have a wheat/gluten intolerance, but our body wasn't meant to digest it. It was a bitch at first, but you get use to it. Might be worth a shot for you.
I don't know your location but if you live somewhere where there's a west african community, you might be able to find some Palm Oil. Trust me, that shit will sort.you.right.out. My mum normally uses it to cook, but I think I had too much of it once and I had to take immodium to STOP my waste from coming out.
i have the worst pooping problems too, it almost makes me glad when i end up sick (and nearly shitting myself at jcrew rofl). i started taking a supplement but it didn't really do anything :'(
that yakult thing makes me so happy, i saw the commercial the other day and squeed so hard. i want to be friends with my digestive tract but it hates me :(
try prune juice ?
my dad buys it(but we live in aus) and im scared to use the toilet when hes done lol
get poder probioticas at the healt food store / pharmacy and take it on an empty stomach every morning And get Swiss Kriss, it's a mild herbal laxative.. take 3 or 4 before going to bed.. I PROMISE you, you will GO.
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