Article on Natalie Massanet from The Wall Street Journal magazine

Forget being a doctor. My new career goal is to be a farmer in Vietnam so that I, too, can one day afford to shop on Net-a-Porter. I may end up tight on social time, but you can be damn sure I'll be the chicest one out there harvesting my rice paddies. Aim high kids!
*note to self: get caught up on global economics STAT.
bahahaha! seriously laughed out loud.
So fucking dead right now.
AHAHA, oh god, that is hilarious. i hope that was a typo jeez
jesus. h. christ.
hahaha what a mental picture!
i always knew there was some truth to my friend's cryptic remark as to why his father was so wealthy. he used to (and still does) say that his father is a farmer. I. KNEW. IT.
Excuse me but those farmers are the ones who buy up all the Balmain.
hysterical! kind of can't believe they even published that?
Where can we read the full article??
puhahaha lemongrass to riches
I wanna be an farmer's wife then..
oh good lord...
hilarious. what a moron.
the irony. they might as well say the TB stricken communities in Africa.
lm*entire*ao!!! that's it, i'm going to Vietnam. who knew farming was so lucrative?! lol!! who was the jackass editor that allowed this to go to print?
my mom has some paddies in thailand...maybe there's hope for me yet.
I'm Vietnamese and this makes me want to drop out of American university and just go back to Vietnam and marry a farmer hahahaha =))
(Just kidding of course)
Whut whut? Like, on the poppies tip or what? I'm vietnamese, maybe I should get hooked up... although I do think sometimes about how manufacturing possibilities exist there.
Husband also inherited some rice paddies in Sri Lanka so maybe that's a possibility, if the guerilla warfare would only be over there...
the few sentences before that made me kind of hate net-a-porter. i just always looked, and i'll probably have to just look often, but man, feels no good
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