To be entered for the $100 gift certificate, you must:
☑ leave a comment here with your Twitter @name
(seriously, that's it...you can do it)
On Monday February 7, I will choose at random from the Followers list and announce the winner on Twitter. You will have 24 hours to email me and claim the prize, otherwise another winner will be chosen until someone snatches it up! Good luck!
**ps. CSN also has a private sale site (like Gilt) that offers exclusive sales on top brands and designers for the home at up to 70% off retail, called Joss & Main. If you'd like an invite, just click here!
Bummer! I don't twitter. I do follow you on gfc, though. :-)
lovelydomesticdiva (at) gmail (dot) com
It's almost TOO easy...
Hey lady! I'm already following you twitter. I'm @hipstermusings
im a sucker for free things but im also a sucker for Stop It Right Now <3
P.S. - tweet tweet: meesow00
fingers crossed!!
Holler back at some modern bedding. I'm boutit boutit. @toomanyronis
Sometimes I feel like the God of technology is laughing at me. Yup, that's right: Pomeline, you do not have a facebook or a twitter acount, therefore you cannot win cool prizes, EVER.
Oh well, I'll just oggle at the pretty things on the website and go on with my life ;)
already follow you!
oooh! Free things! I would really love some new sheets. Proof that I am 100% domesticated.
I got a good word verification: "rucle"
I am psyched to redecorate my bedroom, and this would be awesome!
Yes, please.
"Jesus made me a winner." I used to have that on my license plate.
Who doesn't love modern bedding?
been following you for a veery long time now ;) (this sounds more scary than it should)
ooh i already follow you, and what a giveaway!
i'm @deer_dairy
You know I love me some free shit girl! @ladivasosa
The camel cage chair is crazy beautiful!
wooop wooop!
Your twitter is very "you". Must stop and follow, haaaaaaaa
and now...pray and wait, hehehe
*crosses fingers*
Love me some CSN. . . Which reminds me that i've been meaning to do another giveaway with them for a while. . . You know my twitter: RackkandRuin xx
ahh this is so awesome!!
Maybe I'll get lucky... if you know what I mean. I might as well try... (yeah that's the spirit wowowoooommmpp)
you're the coolest. @cagedwonder
Oooo this is so nice!
My twitter name is: nataliejeanp
Perfect timing, I need me some new pillows and lamps!
wow, this is awesome!
wow this is awesome!
SWEET. I love myself some shit for my room.
already following on twitter!! @dotlightdot
is this open worldwide?
hope so!
I got myself a twitter account just for this competition.
I promised myself not to do it and here i am haha.
free shit. yes.
def need some new stuff for my room
yeah yeah yeah of course i follow you!
i like their allmodern.com website.
@thedivinitus :)
yes please! @lizfree
woot! lets do this! @grasiemercedes
Your style + your humor = me going through all your posts in the wee hours of the morning
Hell yeah!
yessssssssss @dddlai
I'm a follower @karixmonster
Following you! Love that thing!
I'm following you on twitter @rusthawk. Thank you!
Hi, I follow you on Twitter (@shala_darkstone). Thanks so much for the giveaway!
maddiemb {at} comcast (dot) net
AHhh my broke ass and my broke ass room definitely could use this! :)
Me: @elbees
-Jane @ Brunch at the Beach
I follow you on twitter as deegee13. Thanks so much for the chance! :)
deeg131 at gmail dot com
I really need a bookshelf so I hope I win!!! @futureplansss
i follow as cg689!
I'm a follower (@channynn). And thanks for the Joss & Main invite!
shannoncarman at yahoo dot com
I'm following on twitter as edmontonjb
I'm not sure if the first one went through - if it did, sorry!
Thanks again, love your blog!
Thanks for the giveaway! I follow (@FakeGradSchool)!
eemoody77 at gmail dot com
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